We are happy to have you as a member of the Billings Motorcycle Club! Below you will find numerous resources to help you navigate the grounds, rules and processes of the BMC.
If you are interesting in becoming a member but have not yet joined the club, please familiarize yourself with all of the information on this page before submitting an application.
If you are looking for liability release forms, please click the button below.
New Member Overview
All new members are required to attend an orientation session.
- Orientations are held at the beginning of each season, where you also pick up your gate card.
- Orientations are held at the large shop on the right side of the road.
- For any general questions, ask your BMC sponsor or send an email to info@bmcmontana.com.
- You can ride after the orientation, but you must have your helmet and a front number plate with your BMC number.
- Fireworks and Firearms are Not allowed on BMC Grounds and Not allowed at BMC Events at any time.
Fireworks and firearms are not allowed on BMC Grounds and not allowed at BMC events at any time.
About the Facilities for Members
- Casey’s Corner Gas & Snacks Station is located near the club as you turn on Blue Creek Road.
- Enclosed 12’X16’ storage units are available. Call (406) 694-4634 if you are interested in renting.
- RV Storage (Outdoor) spaces are available for all types of trailers. Call (406) 694-4634 if you are interested in renting.
- The grounds include 1,440 acres of hills, MX Track, 50s MX Track, Supercross Track, Endurocross Track, Flat Track, and Sand Drag Strip.
- There are no RV services on club grounds. (no electric, no septic, no water, etc.)
Member Safety, Guidelines and Info
- All Members MUST WEAR A HELMET AT ALL TIMES when on or riding a Motorcycle, 3-Wheeler, 4-Wheeler or other off-road ATV.
- Display your BMC number on bikes’ front plates. If you are competing, display your BMC number on your side plates, as well.
- Do an inspection on your bike before and after you ride.
- Full safety gear is strongly recommended: boots, gloves, goggles, chest protector, riding shirt and pants, knee pads, neck brace.
- ATVs (4-Wheelers, 3-Wheelers, etc.) are restricted to the lower main grounds and full width roads (such as behind the Great American Hill).
- Ride slower on the roads, gravel, and flat parking areas. No burn outs or heavy throttle are allowed, as they damage these areas.
- Do not ride on soft mud track conditions – this causes ruts that are hard to repair. Wait until tracks are dry.
- “Stay Right” on trails, roads and hills when possible and approach hill crests carefully for oncoming riders.
- Ride with a cell phone and let others know if you plan on riding alone.
- No fireworks or firearms are allowed on club property.
- Parking/staging/picnicking is open to several places appropriate for vehicles.
- Restrooms are available year-round.
- Please use the trash cans and do not litter.
- Camping is welcome with tents, RVs and other trailers.
- Do not leave your trailer or RV parked in staging areas when you aren’t using them. (use the extended RV Storage area)
- Your gate card will open the gates from 6 a.m. to 12 a.m.
- Read and understand the contents of the BMC Handbook (new editions available each March).
- Stay in touch and participate in club changes and additions by attending the Wednesday meetings.
- Pay attention to “TRACK CLOSED” signs and other grounds or trails warnings.
- Equipment and facility operation is for designated members only.
- Fires are allowed in designated areas only, but not during events or during fire alerts.
- Secure your riding, trailer and picnic gear – the BMC is not responsible for theft.
Member Meetings
- Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month throughout the year. The BMC Board Meeting starts at 7 p.m. and the BMC Membership Meeting starts at 8 p.m.
- Meeting location: Columbia Hall, 2216 Grand Ave, Billings, MT 59102
- If you wish to present an idea or inquiry to the board, contact a board member and be ready at 7:45 p.m.
Work Party Info & Member Hours
What is a BMC Work Party or Event Help?
A BMC Work Party is a designated day (typically a Saturday) that any active BMC member can attend to perform a variety of tasks to prepare for an event, or maintain the grounds, facilities, or equipment. Your time at a Work Party goes toward your required member hours, so be sure to “Sign In” and Sign Out” on that day’s work party sheet. Every event can use help, and 8 of your 26 required hours must be acquired by working at an event. Work Parties are typically hosted by a BMC team member, but special work projects may also be available. Work at an event by showing up and signing in or contacting the specific event promoter for a task.
Busy on the weekends? You can work any day of the week. Call (406) 694-4634 and leave a message with your name and what day of the week you can be available to work, or send an email to info@bmcmontana.com.
Examples of Basic help needed at an Event or Work Party
- General event support: Contact a promoter
- Running the entrance gate
- Flaggers for the event (Motocross, Supercross, or Flat Track)
- Catchers for the Hill Climbs
- Groundskeeping (mowing, trimming, cutting, painting)
- Parking lines and event area organization
- “Thirty-Second” Girls for Motocross, Supercross and Flat Track
- Transponder & timing operators
- Pit Boss, Staging Manager
- Trash set-up & Break Down
- Track preparation
- Runners to supply event support people, like flaggers
- Pit entrance manager
- Parking area marking
- Registration and Sign-Ups for “At the Event” situations
- Put up posters and other Advertising Displays
Items to Bring to a Work Party
Handy items to bring are yard tools, gloves, basic tools, eye protection, chain saw, mowers etc.
Special Tasks outside of basic Work Parties
- Event announcers
- Announcer assistant (throw T-Shirts, run sound track, etc.)
- Photography and video at an event
- Website, Facebook, email blasts, Microsoft Office and other computer tasks
- Welding, fencing, pumps/valves, heavy equipment repair, automotive
- Masonry and block-building repairs and alterations
- Clean up after events
- Cleaning equipment
- Organizing and cleaning the buildings in the facility
- Mobile lighting and other nighttime equipment operation
- Managing a special booth
- Sound manager, audio visual
- Schedule rider staging
Grounds Status and Information
Major Rules
- A track is closed if it is being worked on.
- During major events all riding is closed.
- Fireworks and firearms are not allowed on BMC grounds at any time.
Parking your vehicles, trailers and RVs while riding
- Park on the main gravel staging and parking areas.
- Do not block road ways, entrances, or park too close to service boxes or shops.
- Do not “leave” your trailer or RV for an extended period when you aren’t using them.
Competition Only Areas
These areas are for competition events only.
- Great American Hill
- Big Sky Challenge
- Nightmare Hill
Other Tracks and Trails Conditions
- Most tracks are in tough shape during the start of the year and end of the year.
- Trails can have surprise washouts and other seasonal changes.
- Before you pull the trigger on any track or stretch of trail, take a look-see lap for conditions and watch out for other riders.
In some cases the BMC grounds and hills are completely closed to riding. Examples include:
- Major event day or weekend will suspend all riding on tracks and trails for those event days (know when events are)
- Too much snow and/or mud
- Specific track or hills area closure, due to maintenance or Work Party Day
- Fire danger closure (BMC follows BLM South Hills riding area closures)
Guidance for heavy rain/muddy conditions
- Be mindful and keep vehicles and trailers on graveled vehicle roads and graveled parking areas (tire mud ruts are extremely difficult to repair).
- Don’t drive a vehicle on a track or other riding area (get out and walk the track or area to look at its condition).
- Avoid riding on tracks that are too full of moisture/water (tire mud ruts are extremely difficult to repair).
- Hills and coulees can be difficult to ride when the mud is thick or deep at the bottom, or drainage crossings (avoid getting into a coulee you can’t get out of).
- Watch for seasonal washouts.
BMC Flagger Training Video
- Please view the video below for crucial BMC MX flagger procedures during our motorcycle events. Good flaggers and the associated safety practices are a must.
- Below is the flag identification, followed by the video:
- You can pick your spot, if it is available.
BMC Handbook and Race Rules
The BMC maintains a comprehensive BMC Handbook for its members that contains general information, promoter tips, club bylaws, and race rules. Each year, a new members packet with a new handbook is available for pickup at the 2nd March meeting. Members are required to read the handbook and understand its contents and yearly changes and amendments.
Every October-November, the handbook is open for suggested additions, corrections, new tips and amendments to bylaws and race rules. BMC members can submit their typed suggestion in person, at a member meeting during October. All suggestions are voted on during the first meeting in November.
Click here for a PDF download of this year’s rule book.
Good conduct of our membership while free riding on Club grounds is extremely important. There are over 500 member families who use the grounds for weekday and weekend recreation. We all have to watch out for one and other, and make sure a great and safe time is had by all.
The safety of members, fans and competitors that attend BMC competition events is of the highest concern for Billings Motorcycle Club. BMC members are expected to look for unsafe situations, report such risks immediately to event promoters, event staff or available Board member and if necessary, take immediate action to attempt to remedy such situations without putting themselves in harm’s way.
If you have any questions regarding a BMC point in the handbook, contact a Board Member or other experienced member and inquire. If you have a new idea or an important experience, please contact a board member, or share your thoughts at a member meeting.
Membership Renewal
How Your BMC Membership Renewal Works:
You may Renew Your BMC Membership Online. Current member applications (including all family members and forms) and dues are required by the first meeting in February. If your form(s) requires a Notary Public (such as a minor release form), please do so in advance.
- Key Card: Renewed members will retain the key card they had previously.
- Fees: New members will pay $470 for the first 3 years. Existing members after 3 years will pay $350 per year annually.
- Spouses/Live In Partners: Must complete the form and can obtain a key card.
- Family Members: Minors must have both parents’ notarized signatures agreeing to the release language.
- Family Members that are Non-Riding: Should also be listed on the Additional Family Members Form.
- Grandparents: There is a separate form for grandparents wishing to get annual guardianship over a grandchild for supervised riding on the grounds.
- College Students & Active Military: Children of BMC members in good standing between the ages of 18 and 23 who are enrolled as a fulltime student and/or active duty military can be continued under the BMC Parent Member’s membership. A separate release must be provided along with written documentation of their full-time student or active military status.
Didn’t Receive your Membership Renewal Form(s)? Send an Email to the BMC.
AMA Membership
Are you an AMA Member? Click here if you would like to renew or start a new AMA Membership.
Special BMC Members
Outstanding Member of the Year
- 2024 • Julie Elwell
- 2023 • Dan Comly
- 2022 • Carl Siroky
- 2021 • Lonnie Quast
- 2020 • Nick Gabel
- 2019 • Wade Hammond
- 2018 • Neal Whitmore Jr.
- 2017 • Annie Hammond
- 2015 • Bob Whitmer & Pat Whitmer
- 2014 • Mike Weiland
- 2013 • Cord Mitchell
- 2012 • Josh Greni
- 2011 • Daryl Reimers
- 2010 • Ed Taylor
- 2009 • Ray Halsey
- 2008 • Harold “Woody” Nies
- 2007 • Mark Cardwell
- 2006 • Mike Marsh
- 2005 • Bob Spadt, Jr
- 2004 • Don Erhardt
- 2003 • Tom Cardwell
- 2002 • Joe Ratcliff
- 2001 • Tim Pinter
- 2000 • Roger Ostermiller
- 1999 • Mark Polen
- 1998 • Steve Burt
- 1997 • Charles Dubell, Jr
- 1996 • Bob Cardwell
- 1995 • Mark Chamberlain
- 1994 • Ross Lilly
- 1993 • John Silvas, Jr
- 1992 • Mark Lenhardt
- 1991 • Jim Larkin
- 1990 • Ken Cysewski
- 1989 • Dick Slagowski
- 1988 • Vern Nash
- 1987 • Gene Birgenheier
- 1986 • Mark Lenhardt
- 1985 • Larry Malmstrom
- 1984 • Jerry Seeley, Sr
- 1983 • Ben Bonnett and Chuck Bonnett
- 1982 • Carroll Hammond
- 1981 • Darrell Devitt
- 1980 • Carroll Hammond
- 1979 • Carroll Hammond